Fisherman's House Araking 海心丸
ちなみに私のお勧めは牡蠣用ナイフとキッチンバサミが良いです。是非、御造りしてみてください。超最高に美味しいです。Fish & Easy
I heard that most of the people who bought expensive live Spiny Lobster and got it did not eat sashimi. The main reason is I don't know how to make. Not good at kitchen knives to use... So I found a way to handle it easily without using a kitchen knife, so I will share it.
漁師修行の方は、色々とミスもあり落ち込むこともありますが、めげることなく、これからも少しずつ前に進んでいきたいと思います。今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。Yesterday, we are able to have a wonderful breakfast by a good senior fisherman who are always very helpful to me. Thank you so much And Mr. and Mrs. Arakawa made fried prawns using the Ise spiny lobster, it was really good !
The fog was deep and I was a little worried in the morning, but after it was fine and I was able to return Shiramazu fishing port safely. (Laughs) Thank you, Yu-kun, who works for the cooperation team of the Minamiboso, supported well.